Donnerstag, 10. Februar 2011

Weekly Review 16

Unbelievable, another week is over. Ok, it was a short one from the last WR to this one, as I wrote the last Review a couple of days late, but nevertheless the week was over pretty fast. It’s weird that the weeks where nothing special happens seem to be over even quicker than the exciting ones, or at least almost as quickly. I spent a good deal of the weekend doing nothing, except for lying in bed, sleeping and trying to get better. I was sick, and not in a good post-alcohol kind of way, although the symptoms were quite similar. When I got up on Friday morning I fell right back into my cushions, because the whole world started spinning around me. I felt dizzy and out of balance. A very unpleasant feeling, which luckily got better after a couple of seconds, but I still felt dizzy. I thought it was because of low blood sugar and that I should eat and drink something, but nothing worked. The dizzy feeling stayed with me all day and was even worse on Saturday. So I went to the hospital on Sunday to see a doctor. He checked my blood pressure, pulse, ears, everything was fine, but he still prescribed me something. I don’t think he really had a clue why I was feeling dizzy, but didn’t want me to go home empty handed, that’s why he prescribed me something and that’s why I didn’t took it. I felt better on Sunday and it was almost alright on Monday, so I don’t think it was a mistake to not take the meds. I never the less managed to see another play on Sunday. It was ok. Not the greatest play I’ve ever seen, but not bad either.
Tuesday was football and besides that, studying and living… the usual.

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