Freitag, 21. Januar 2011

Weekly Review 13

No, I didn’t forget about the WR, I just couldn’t get my self around to writing it. Lately, there is not much going on here in Colombo that would keep the blog going, so I struggle a little with the updating. If there is nothing happening, there is nothing to talk about.

Maybe I should think of another weekly project, now that the quiz has come to an end there is an open spot on Saturdays.... Mh...I’m thinking about something concerning food or eating… If you have any ideas, let me know.

As I said, there is actually not much to tell you what you haven’t heard before, but I atleast want to tell you about the midterm test on Tuesday. It was ok, I guess. Not sure when we will get the results, but I think I’ve passed it, not aced, but passed. We had to answer quite a lot of questions and we only got an hour for it. Ok, plus 15 minutes overtime, but still I could have used a little more time. All I can do now is wait and see, although I don’t think I’ll tell you the actual result. Keeping a little privacy, you know ;-) The midterm test dominated most of last week, but we still played football on Thursday and we spent Saturday night at a friends place were we hang out, ate pizza (by this chance we discovered a great pizza delivery service) and played games.

You see, not much going on here in Sri Lanka. So, what’s new in your life?

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