Donnerstag, 18. November 2010

Weekly Review 6

And another Wednesday passed by and I forgot to write a weekly review. But, as I’m not entirely sure, that anyone actually reads them, I don’t mind. Nevertheless there are things to write about. Let’s start back in Unawatuna, the place where last weeks review ended. Unawatuna is quite a nice place with a beautiful beach and we will definitely come back again, although this time we had bad luck with the weather and we had to fight for our blood with an evil mosquito gang. You know, a mosquito net is a very nice invention, as long as the mosquitoes are on the one side and you are on the other. If both parties are on the same side, it can end in a night with out sleep and with blood stains on the wall. How do I know that? Well, a gang of six or seven mosquitoes decided to join us on our side of the net, the first night we spent in Unawatuna. They took us as a free buffet, we saw them as annoying vampires that had to die and therefore the war was declared and went on for several hours in the night. Finally all of them gave their lives, but not without taking a remarkable amount of blood from us.
Back in Colombo we had to fight again with another kind of vampires, the time sucking kind. We went back to the visa office for the fourth and final time. Yes, we finally got out passports back, with a residence visa till April 5th next year. So, you can expect me back in Germany before that date, as I will not go back to that department and get another visa extension. No way! The weekend was rather unspectacular and not worth writing about, as we didn’t really do anything. But on Monday we went to university for the first time. Yes, we’ve been to the uni before, but on Monday we went there for our first classes in this semester. We are not yet sure which classes we are going to take, but that’s ok. The first week is shopping week, where you can visit all the available classes and see what they are going to be about. It’s although the time where the actual timetable is developed. Just because a class was scheduled for Monday at 8 doesn’t mean it will stay there. The entire 4th year has about 20 students and therefore everything seems to be debatable. Besides most of the lecturers don’t agree with the scheduled times, half the time and will shift them anyway. Unfortunately for us we did not manage to get Thursdays off. Fridays are free anyway, but we would have preferred a 4 day weekend, in terms of all the traveling we still want to do.
We decided to skip the only Tuesday class, as it didn’t really fit into our field of interest and go back to university on Wednesday. Unfortunately for us, no one else decided to show up on Wednesday, because Wednesday was a holiday that we didn’t know about. And as Wednesday was off the university decided to give us off Thursday as well. Our first week of University was exactly one day long. Let’s keep the fingers crossed, that the rest of the semester follows this example.

PS: I’ve uploaded a couple of photos from Unawatuna, you can find them as usual in the Fotoalbum list at the end of the page.

1 Kommentar:

  1. I am sure a lot of people read & love your reviews :-) I haven't missed a single one so far! Greetings from an overcrowded 4th floor, yours Frau Doctor B.
